
About AMAD

To keep pace with the trends witnessed by the business sector at the level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the world, and in accordance with the latest policies adopted to enhance the growth of the national economy. AMAD Company came in the year 2002 AD with a Saudi-European partnership with the aim of achieving maximum benefit from the enormity of economies, enhancing the benefits of cooperation, consolidating the spirit of competition in the market, and other goals. AMAD has its general vision, which aims to open to the world with a Saudi vision and transfer the best international experiences and practices to the Kingdom. AMAD thinks and works with a global perspective to reach excellence and even spread it through its various projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Our goal is to contribute to the consolidation of the foundations of the field in which we operate and to support these foundations later by providing distinctive solutions with high added value that add a building block to the capabilities of our company and achieve growth.  field of work, and even achieving balance and stability in life in general by being a bridge to which others move. For the values we offer, and the participation of other institutions to facilitate access to our business network and ensure continuity.


Our special expertise

Environmental monitoring and compliance

International Sources provides services in the field of environmental monitoring and inspection of facilities with environmental impact. Environmental inspection aims to support and enhance both the environment and public health

Monitoring and inspection capabilities

With more than 20 years of experience in establishing, developing and operating oversight work in partnership with the public sector, we present our most prominent capabilities in the field of oversight and inspection.

Institutional excellence

Whatever your administrative and technical challenges, we have the experience and professional cadres in crafting the best strategies and methods to overcome the challenges.

Disease vector control

In this context, we offer our services based on practical experience for more than four years with the public sector, where we carry out integrated control of disease vectors and monitoring crawling and flying insects.

An extended history and a promising future

AMAD is at the heart of the consulting and operational services sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

AMAD seeks to provide greater value in its projects to enable continuous growth and enhance organizational flexibility. The implementation of AMAD Company for strategic projects contributed to the consolidation of its leading position in the field of consulting and operation. We at AMAD are dedicated to creating value across the various stages of the business chain.

We are committed to a pioneering role in achieving transformation in the business sectors, and we also assume our responsibility in helping our customers to reach sustainable development in their businesses, as our employees make continuous efforts to help find solutions to sustainability challenges.


تهدف شـــركة المصـــادر الدولية لأنظمـــة البيئـــة والجودة أن يكـــون في نظـــر العمـــلاء والمســـتفيدين مـــن أفضـــل مقدمي خدمات الإستشـــارات الإداريـــة وتطوير الاعمـــال. جميع موظفي الشـــركة مســـؤولون عن تحقيق الرضاء التام للعملاء والمستفيدين مـــن خلل تلبية أو تجـــاوز متطلباتهم وتوقعاتهـــم وتقديم أفضل الخدمـــات لهم. وفـــي هذا الإطـــار ترتكز وتـــدار سياســـة الجودة لشـــركة المصادر الدوليـــة لأنظمة البيئة والجودة .

سياسة الجودة

Quality Policy

AMAD aims to be in the eyes of beneficiaries of the best providers of consulting and business development services. All employees of the company are responsible for achieving complete satisfaction of clients and beneficiaries by meeting and/or exceeding their requirements and expectations and providing them with the best services. In this context, the quality policy of AMAD is based and managed based on the following principles:

Build strong relationships with clients and beneficiaries to ensure long-term success by understanding their needs.

Encouraging the use of the best technologies and practices for all levels of service delivery

Apply continuous improvement methodology based on specific measurements and customer surveys.

Promote teamwork and use a common language of quality concepts and operations concept to implement the business.

Develop staff skills, empowerment and responsibility through training and participation.

Design, implement and maintain a quality management system in compliance with the requirements of international standards for quality management systems.


Our employees are our priority stemming from our complete belief that they are the first place for the continued reliability of our performance